We have helped literally thousands of speakers to leave their audiences feeling appreciative and impressed with the talk.

Speeches and Presentations – We advise on crafting the content and tone for your audience. We coach you on delivery skills including use of multiple facets of voice, body language, influence, clarity, credibility, impact and, where necessary, managing nervousness.

Media Interviews – These are fraught with danger for those who don’t understand how to control the process. We’ll help you to create and master the messages that are your priorities – whatever the intentions of the interviewer!

Professional Development – Sometimes the only thing holding an excellent candidate back from a leadership position or promotion is the perception that they could communicate more effectively. We help individuals develop the communication strengths they need for promotion.

Job Interviews – “They talked themselves into an interview and then talked themselves right out of contention.” Two common mistakes in interviews are saying too much that is not relevant and not understanding what is. We help you to engage in the interview process in a way that does justice to you and what you can offer.